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$ 91.67
€ 102.04


Chinese space truck "Tianzhou-4" undocked from the orbital station of the People's Republic of China

China's Tianzhou-4 space truck on Wednesday began a controlled return to the Earth's atmosphere after undocking from the Chinese Tiangong orbital station.

A new wave of COVID-19 has been recorded in China

Over the past day, more than 7.6 thousand new cases of infection (including asymptomatic) were detected in China - the maximum increase since the beginning of May.

More than 240 students arrived at the science city on Hainan for research and production projects

More than 240 students from different regions of China arrived at the innovation development zone "Yazhouwan" in Sanya city on Hainan Island to study and promote research and production projects.

China has launched a research satellite into orbit

China successfully launched the Shiyan 20C experimental satellite on Saturday.

Hainan hosted an international scientific conference on the protection of tropical forests

It was noted that the provincial authorities in recent years have taken a set of measures to preserve the biological diversity of species.

Chinese pandas went to Qatar

Two pandas were sent from China to Qatar as part of research cooperation.

Hainan International Wedding Festival will be held in December in Sanya

A distinctive feature of this year's ceremony will be that the organizers will invite at least 20 couples, where the partners are medical workers and volunteers who helped Hainan Province fight coronavirus. 

Fossilized dinosaur eggs 80 million years old found in eastern China

Fossilized dinosaur eggs about 80 million years old have been discovered in the eastern province of Jiangxi.

In China, due to the outbreak of the pandemic, the movement of trains from Xinjiang was stoppe

In the future, this decision may be revised depending on the situation.

In Shanghai, a yellow danger level was introduced due to the intense heat

he Shanghai Meteorological Service announced a yellow danger level on Monday due to the intense heat in the metropolis.