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Experts from China and the United States discussed security issues in the field of artificial intelligence development

This was reported by the British newspaper Financial Times with reference to the participants of the dialogue.

China has successfully launched the Einstein space probe

The launch took place on January 9, the Chinese Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation announced on its WeChat social network page.

The pontoon bridge across the Amur River between Blagoveshchensk and Heihe has begun operation

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Transport and Road Management of the Amur region.

A school and an office building in Hainan have received awards from the Architectural Design Awards China

Information about this appeared on the official website of the event.

Chinese authorities want to ban Internet games that cause addiction for teenagers

This is reported by the State Administration for Press and Press Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the draft rules for the control of online games.

A Canadian researcher has recorded unknown radio signals transmitted by a Chinese spaceplane

This was reported by researcher Scott Tilley, writes the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post.

A devastating 6.2 magnitude earthquake has occurred in Northwestern China

The earthquake occurred on the night of December 18-19. At the moment, 118 people are known to have died.

Distance learning has been introduced in Beijing schools due to abnormal snowfall

Also, a remote mode has been introduced in kindergartens, the city education committee reported.

The Consulate General of China will simplify the procedure for obtaining visas for residents of Vladivostok

A message about this appeared on the Telegram channel of the Russian Foreign Ministry's representative office in Vladivostok.

Control measures will be strengthened in schools and kindergartens in China against the background of the spread of acute respiratory infections

This is stated in a document published by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.