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Drilling of the second ultra-deep research well has begun in China

Chinese specialists have begun drilling the second research well in the country with a depth of more than 10 thousand meters.

Russian and Chinese scientists have created nanocapsules to deliver the drug to tumor cells

Employees of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine (IHBFM) SB RAS together with colleagues from Guangzhou Medical University in China have developed nanocapsules for drug delivery to tumors.   They will allow delivering toxic anticancer drugs directly to the site of action, bypassing healthy tissues. This was reported on Wednesday by the official publication of the SB RAS "Science in Siberia". An article describing the development was published in the journal Magnetochemistry. "We obtained magnetic nanoparticles, stabilized them with nylon, and then dissolved the magnetic particle inside this composite by acid treatment. As a result, we have only a nylon shell with a void inside. In water conditions, this capsule swells, and substances get inside. The article shows that it has a sufficiently large capacity to load the drug inside," the press service quotes Elena Dmitrienko, head of the Laboratory of Biomedical Chemistry of the IHBFM SB RAS. The magnetic particles in the capsule core consist of iron oxide. After applying the polymer coating, the capsules lose their magnetic properties and become safer for the body.The polymer nylon-6 (nylon) was used to work with nanoparticles. It is completely biocompatible, biodegradable, non-toxic and is already used for biomedical purposes, for example, surgical threads are made from it. Applying a nylon coating not only stabilizes the particles: it becomes possible to attach additional connections to them. This makes it possible to chemically attach a ligand molecule to the capsule, which will provide targeted delivery of nanocapsules directly to tumor cells. In the future, scientists plan to pick up ligands and attach them to a nylon shell. "We plan to assemble the basis, and when it is already shown that both the carrier, the drug, and the targeted component are presented in one set, which is stable and non-toxic, it will be possible to start in vivo research," the publication quotes Dmitrienko. In the experiment, the capsules were filled with the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, which is poorly soluble and has high toxicity. Experiments have shown that capsules can release the drug depending on the acidity (pH) of the environment. It is known that the pH of cancer cells is lower than that of healthy ones. The authors of the work noted that the lower the pH, the more actively the drug is released from the capsules, writes "TASS".

Cinematographers from Russia, China and Belarus plan to make films in the Pskov region

The Russian-Chinese blockbuster "Red Silk" and the Russian-Belarusian children's and youth feature film "Urban Fairy Tale" are planning to shoot in the Pskov region in 2024.

In China, a kindergarten teacher was executed for poisoning children with a toxic substance

The middle-level People's Court of Jiaozuo, Henan Province, confirmed the execution of a former kindergarten teacher who poisoned 25 children with sodium nitrite.

China plans to use two rockets to fly to the moon in 2030

China is going to use two launch vehicles in a lunar mission planned for 2030: one will launch a crewed spacecraft into space, and the other will deliver a lander.

Rosselkhoznadzor is studying the possibility of supplying Russian pork to China

Rosselkhoznadzor and the Main Customs Administration (GTU) China is exploring the possibility of supplying Russian pork to China.

Cardiac surgeons of Russia and China have signed an agreement for joint treatment of pulmonary hypertension

The Russian-Chinese cooperation agreement for the joint treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases, in particular, with various forms of pulmonary hypertension, was concluded by employees of the Meshalkin National Medical Research Center (NMIC) in Novosibirsk and the First University Clinic in Nanjing (China).

Scientists from China became laureates of the Global Energy Prize 2023

Two scientists from China became laureates of the Global Energy - 2023 award, a TASS correspondent reports from the solemn ceremony of the announcement of the laureates in Kemerovo.

In Chongqing, as a result of heavy rain, 15 people were killed

At least 15 people were killed as a result of the consequences of a heavy downpour in the city of the central subordination of the People's Republic of China, Chongqing in the west of the country.

In China, a yellow danger level was declared due to heavy rains

The Central Meteorological Administration of the People's Republic of China announced on Monday a yellow danger level due to possible natural disasters due to heavy rains affecting vast areas of Central, Northwestern, Southwestern and Northern China.