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For the first time in history, the Chinese Chang'e-6 probe collected soil samples from the far side of the Moon

This was reported by the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA).

Strong winds caused the passenger service between China and Khabarovsk to stop

Information about this appeared on the Telegram channel of FGKU Rosgranstroy.

China has taken the sixth place in popularity among foreign destinations among Russian tourists

A study on this topic was conducted by the Yandex Travel portal.

The Second Forum of associations of specialized universities of Russia and China was held in the south of China

Information about this appeared in the Sanya Zhibao newspaper.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry called the panda study the epitome of friendship between Spain and China

This statement was made by the Chinese Foreign Ministry's official representative Wang Wenbin.

The Chinese spacecraft will depart for the Chinese space station on April 25

This was announced at a briefing by Lin Xiqiang, Deputy Director of the Manned Space Flight Program of the People's Republic of China.

Apple has removed a number of applications from the Chinese version of the App Store

According to the Reuters news agency, this decision was made at the request of local authorities.

Hong Kong police detained almost 300 people in 3.5 years for violating the National Security Law

This was announced by the city security department, Hong Kong radio station RTHK reports.

The number of users of the Chinese chatbot with artificial intelligence has exceeded 200 million

This was told by the head of the Baidu developer company, Robert Lee.

Heihe City and Amur Region to resume active longevity project

Information about this appeared on the website of the government of the Amur region.