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70% of Chinese expected to get vaccinated by year-end

70% of Chinese are going to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of the year, as chinadaily informs.

China announces "red" hazard level due to fires

The state headquarters for the prevention and suppression of forest and steppe fires of the PRC announced a warning of the highest, "red" level due to the danger of forest fires in some areas of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces.

Chinese Foreign Ministry assessed the work of WHO experts in Wuhan

China highly appreciates the professionalism and scientific approach of the experts who prepared the report following the visit of the World Health Organization (WHO) mission to Wuhan to investigate the origin of the coronavirus.

China opens world's largest radio telescope

China's 500-meter Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the world's largest single-band and most sensitive radio telescope, will officially open to the world from Wednesday.

Shanghai starts to vaccinate against COVID-19 expats

Shanghai's municipal government has announced start of coronavirus vaccinating for expatriates in the city.

Stable, prosperous society helps sense of national identity to become stronger

A stable and prosperous society has helped young Chinese deepen their love for the country and gain a stronger sense of national identity, according to experts.

Beijing was covered by a sandstorm

Beijing was covered by a giant sandstorm that came from Mongolia.

China and Russia join forces to manage an outpost on the moon

China and Russia have agreed to join hands in building and running a robotic scientific outpost on the moon or in lunar orbit, according to the China National Space Administration.

China shows first high-def pictures of Mars taken by Tianwen 1

Tianwen 1, the country's first independent Mars mission, was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province, kicking off the nation's planetary exploration program as chinadaily informs. 

Schools and kindergartens in Beijing started a new academic semester

Schools and kindergartens in Beijing opened after New Year holidays.