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$ 97.28
€ 101.22

China has sent over a thousand tons of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

0.589951001637573405China has sent over 1,000 tons of basic necessities and other humanitarian aid to Afghanistan by train, Xinhua news agency reports.

According to him, the train left for Afghanistan on Saturday from the city of Khorgos in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The train, which carries 50 cargo containers, should arrive at the destination in approximately 12 days. Afghans in need will receive warm clothes, shoes, blankets, bread cakes and tea against the background of the onset of cold weather, the agency notes.
At the moment, three trains have been sent from Xinjiang to Afghanistan - in total, the country has received 2.6 thousand tons of Chinese humanitarian aid.
In early August, the Taliban intensified their offensive against the Afghan government forces, entered Kabul on August 15 and the next day declared that the war was over. For the last two weeks of August, there was a mass evacuation of Western citizens and Afghans cooperating with them from the Kabul airport, which was under the protection of the American military. On the night of August 31, the US military left the Kabul airport, ending almost 20 years of US military presence in Afghanistan. In early September, the composition of the interim government of Afghanistan was announced, headed by Mohammad Hassan Akhund, who held the chair of the Foreign Minister during the first rule of the Taliban* and has been under UN sanctions since 2001.