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China calls on Russia and Ukraine to negotiate

The Chinese Foreign Ministry calls on Ukraine and Russia to sit down at the negotiating table and solve the problems that have arisen.

China spoke out about Ukrainian crisis

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, that situation in Ukraine has happened because of inefficient implementation of the Minsk agreements.

China to impose sanctions against American companies for arms supplies to Taiwan

Sanctions against the American companies Raytheon Technologies and Lockheed Martin will be accepted for the supply of weapons to Taiwan.

China supports Russia's security demand

China supports Russia's demand for security guarantees, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said on Wednesday ahead of Vladimir Putin's visit to Beijing.

China accused Bloomberg of lies and provocations against Beijing and Moscow

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China called a false publication in the media that Chinese President Xi Jinping appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request on Ukraine.

The Russian-Chinese-Iranian CHIRU exercises will be held in the Gulf of Oman

The Russian-Chinese-Iranian naval exercises "CHIRU" are being held in the Gulf of Oman from January 18 to 22, the Russian Defense Ministry noted.

Putin and Xi Jinping will hold talks on February 4 in Beijing

The meeting of the foreign Ministers of Russia and China will be held on February 3.

India and China to hold next round of border talks on January 12

The talks will be held at the level of the commanders of the army corps of the Armed Forces of India and the People's Republic of India and China on Wednesday will hold the next 14th round of negotiations on the separation of troops in the border region of Ladakh on the line of effective control between the two countries.

China commented on the riots taking place in Kazakhstan

China called the events in Kazakhstan an internal matter of this country.

China accused the United States of non-compliance with international space law

The actions of American space companies endanger astronauts in orbit, the US government needs to start respecting international space law and take appropriate measures, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said.