, , :
$ 97.15
€ 105.76


Aeroflot has been resuming regular flights from Moscow to Hong Kong since December 23

Aeroflot has been resuming regular flights from Moscow to Hong Kong since December 23, the company's press service reported.

The export of passenger cars from China to Russia in January - August increased by 6.3 times

In January - August, Chinese suppliers increased exports of passenger cars to Russia by 6.3 times compared to the same period last year, to more than 482 thousand units.

The head of Primorye proposed to hold joint Winter Games with China in Vladivostok

The Governor of Primorye, Oleg Kozhemyako, proposed jointly with China to hold the International Winter Games in Vladivostok in 2030.

The trade turnover of fish products of the Russian Federation and China increased by 75% in eight months

The volume of trade turnover of fish products between Russia and China in January - August 2023 increased in physical terms by 75% (in monetary terms - by 39%) compared to the same period last year and amounted to 755 thousand tons.

China and Crimea intend to develop cooperation in the field of tourism

Tourists from the People's Republic of China are interested in visiting Crimea, the prospects for tourism development were discussed during the visit of the Chinese delegation to the peninsula, the head of the region Sergey Aksenov said.

Visa-free in action: China received the first tourists without the traditional stamp in the passport

The first travelers who were able to enter China without visas were tourists from the Khabarovsk Territory.

The US and China will increase the number of permitted passenger flights for each other

The aviation authorities of the United States and China will increase the number of permitted passenger flights to each other's countries to 24 per week by October 29.

The city of Sanya on Hainan has entered the list of the most popular destinations in China among motorists

The resort town of Sanya on the southern coast of Hainan Island in the current summer season has entered the list of the most popular destinations in China among motorists.

Russia and China restore group visa-free regime

It will be possible to make group trips to China without a visa from August 1.

China has announced support for any contacts on the grain deal

China supports the continuation of contacts between the parties on the grain deal, if they take place, but it is necessary to take into account the interests of the Russian Federation, writes TASS.