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$ 96.78
€ 100.5

About 400,000 tourists arrived in Hong Kong on the eve of the Lunar New Year


This was reported by the immigration service of the metropolis.

According to the Hong Kong Immigration Service, about 400,000 tourists entered the city before the Lunar New Year. At the same time, more than 800,000 residents of the metropolis, on the contrary, left it to visit mainland China and other countries.

A total of 832,076 residents left Hong Kong, and the number of arrivals was 366,856, of which 79.4% were visitors from mainland China, the immigration service said. They also noted that the megalopolis authorities hope to increase the number of tourists in 2025 and return it to the pre-pandemic level.

The traditional New Year in China is one of the largest holidays. They begin to prepare for it in advance, and the celebration itself lasts for more than two weeks and attracts many guests from other cities of the Celestial Empire and from abroad to the capital. This year, Chinese New Year will be celebrated on January 29, and it will last until February 16, 2026.