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US calls for cancellation of Beijing Winter Olympics

gf zRmn xCaL z3Gy igrzyska olimpijskie w tokio 1920x1080 nocrop copyThe United States has asked the International Olympic Committee not to host the Winter Games in Beijing, which are scheduled to take place in 2020.

The corresponding resolution with the appeal was submitted by the US lawmakers to the lower house of the US Congress.

The US authorities explained their intention by the fact that the Chinese authorities continue to accuse the Uighurs of repression.

Representatives of the United States said that by allowing Beijing to host the Games in this situation, the IOC discredits its own brand

"The genocide of the Uighurs and other ethnic and religious minorities is the moral test of our time. By giving the Chinese Communist Party the opportunity to improve its image on the world stage, the IOC violates its own principles, " the US officials said in a statement.

According to Russian political scientist Andrey Ostrovsky, the United States is not the first time against the Olympic Games. However, in his opinion, this will not affect the conduct of the competition in any way.

""At one time, the United States organized a boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. They organized a counter-boycott in Los Angeles. The games were held both there and there. Apparently, it will be the same now. The American team will not go, someone else will follow their lead, but the Olympic Games will take place, " the political scientist said.

The XXIV Winter Olympic Games are scheduled to be held in Beijing from February 4 to 20, 2022.