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$ 96.59
€ 104.87

Passenger train to Manchuria will be launched from Zabaikalsk


This is reported by the telegram channel of the government of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Traffic on the Zabaikalsk – Manchuria route is planned to be launched in 2025, the telegram channel reports. According to Deputy Prime Minister of the government of Transbaikalia Buyanto Batomunkuyev, the train will run twice a week.

The project will be implemented with the support of the Chinese side. Passenger service was suspended in 2020 due to coronavirus. At that time, many trains running between Russia and China were canceled. In 2023, flights began to resume.

Before the pandemic, Manchuria and Transbaikalia were popular vacation destinations for travelers from both sides. The resumption of passenger traffic will contribute to the development of the tourism potential of the regions, the government of the Trans-Baikal Territory is confident.