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$ 96.09
€ 104.4

The governor of the Chinese province of Anhui, Wang Qingxiang, and the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, discussed cooperation in the field of economics

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The territories will also implement joint projects in the fields of trade, health and culture.

A meeting was held in Moscow between the governor of Anhui Province, Wang Qingxian, and the mayor of Hefei (the administrative center of Anhui Province) Luo Yunfeng with the head of the Russian capital Sergei Sobyanin. The establishment of friendly relations and cooperation between the cities was discussed at the event.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin noted the scale and depth of innovation, as well as the dynamics of the development of Anhui Province, and stressed that more than 20 Russian cities have already cooperated with the territory. He also expressed hope for further deep strategic cooperation.

The governor of Anhui Province, Wang Qingxian, noted that Chinese manufacturers are making all necessary efforts to create a strong material base for cooperation with Russia. He also called the territory one of the fastest growing regions in China.