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China pays great attention to cooperation with the Russian Federation in the space sector

Земля 2

This was stated at a briefing by the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning.

According to Mao Ning, cooperation in the field of astronautics acts as an incentive for the trade and economic development of China and Russia. Over the past few years, countries have been working, among other things, to create an international research station on the Moon, she stressed.

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the exploration of the Universe is a common cause of all mankind. China is ready to develop contacts and cooperation in the space sector with all countries on an equal, mutually beneficial and tolerant basis, Mao Ning said.

She also recalled that the Chinese Government has consistently made efforts for peaceful space exploration. Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in Russia on April 12. In 1961, on this day, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first earthling to fly into space.