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The International Consumer Exhibition in Hainan will hold 10 related events

FAbAbIAThe Third China International Consumer Goods Exhibition in Hainan, scheduled for April 10-15, will hold 10 related events within the framework of the global consumption forum organized in parallel. This was reported by the newspaper "Hainan Zhibao".

According to the publication, the forum itself will open on April 10, the next day - a conference of duty-free trade and retail sales in the tourism sector, on April 12 - a sub-forum for sustainable development of the consumer sphere and a major event to stimulate the formation of industries related to coffee production. In addition, fairs, presentations and conferences will be held on the trade potential of certain regions of China, youth innovations, and the consumer segment of the market of goods intended for women.
Earlier, the Department of International Economic Development of the province informed that representatives of Chinese state institutions and government structures of other countries, large trading companies and consulting firms were invited to participate in the global consumer forum. Discussions will take place there, specialized analytical studies, reports and ratings will be published.
The area of expositions of the Chinese consumer exhibition, which will be held in the administrative center of Hainan, the city of Haikou, this year will be about 100 thousand square meters, of which 80% are allocated for imported products. This time, Italy will be the guest of honor of the large-scale event, Germany, the Republic of Korea, the USA, France and Japan, as well as other countries, including participants in a Comprehensive regional economic partnership, will present goods and services. Many foreign brands, as the organizers promise, will be presented for the first time, writes TASS.