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The first company of Hainan entered the national list of the best technological enterprises of the People's Republic of China

s001577361Jinpan Technology Industrial Company became the first manufacturer of Hainan Province to be included in the national list of advanced technological enterprises of the People's Republic of China.

This was reported by the newspaper "Hainan Zhibao".
According to the publication, the Ministry of Industry and Informatization of China has included Jinpan Technology in the honorary list of Chinese industrial companies leading in their segment on the world market. As an incentive measure, the Hainan authorities will provide her with a bonus of 5 million yuan (approximately $ 716 thousand).
Jinpan Technology is engaged in the production of dry transformers, which are widely used in administrative buildings, airports, military facilities, logistics terminals and housing and communal services. The advantage of these power converters is that they do not need to replace the oil and control its leakage.
The company, as noted, has received certificates that confirm the high quality of its products in Canada, the Netherlands and the USA. It accounts for more than 25% of the corresponding segment of the global market related to the production of wind turbines.
The Hainan Administration pursues an active policy of creating modern industrial industries, encouraging the introduction of advanced technologies. The authorities pay special attention to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2022, there were about 260 companies belonging to this category in the province, which are included in the official list of innovative leaders at the regional level, writes TASS.