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More than 240 students arrived at the science city on Hainan for research and production projects

1389146 originalMore than 240 students from different regions of China arrived at the innovation development zone "Yazhouwan" in Sanya city on Hainan Island to study and promote research and production projects.

This was reported by the newspaper "Sanya Zhibao".
According to the publication, this is the first batch of young specialists who will accumulate valuable practical experience in parallel with the educational process. It is assumed that they will help lay a stronger foundation for the formation of a powerful innovation cluster on the island.
To accommodate the children, the authorities created a campus designed for about 4.4 thousand people. About 40% of its territory, that is, a total of 13 thousand square meters, is occupied by green spaces. These are trees, shrubs and flower beds along residential buildings, as well as specially equipped flower beds on roofs.
"Representatives of different universities gathered here. <...> I hope that their research activities will benefit Hainan and will allow us to realize the tasks of developing our innovation zone," said Zhou Yongliang, an employee of the Yazhouvan Science City Affairs Department, who oversees interuniversity cooperation. According to him, one of the key goals is to form a team whose members, in the process of communication and collaboration, will be able to positively influence the process of creating innovations.
"Yazhouwan" is located on the coast of the South China Sea and is one of the 11 key innovative projects for the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port. The area of the plots allocated for the placement of high-tech enterprises and other infrastructure facilities exceeds 26 sq. km. One of the leading breeding bases of the People's Republic of China and the center for deep-sea research is located on the territory of the science city, writes TASS.