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Aeroflot and the Russian-Chinese University have agreed on cooperation

2020 09 11 002The Russian airline Aeroflot and the first joint Russian-Chinese University established by Lomonosov Moscow State University, Beijing Polytechnic Institute and the People's Government of Shenzhen have signed a memorandum on scientific, educational and cultural cooperation. The airline's press service announced this on its official website on Friday.

"Cooperation between Aeroflot and the joint University of Moscow State University-PPI in Shenzhen opens a new stage in the development of scientific and technical partnership between Russia and China. <...> Joint projects with the University will make it possible to popularize the scientific, technical and innovative activities of Aeroflot among the youth audience," said Ilya Perfiliev, Director of the Personnel Management Department of Aeroflot, whose words are quoted in the message.
As explained in the press service, the main goal of cooperation is to form an educational base and conduct joint research with the participation of university staff and practical teachers from among the employees of Aeroflot, writes TASS.
The parties intend to organize an internship program, advanced training and retraining of personnel.
Thematic conferences and events about Aeroflot are planned to be held at the university. In turn, the airline will provide students with practical training in the structural divisions of Aeroflot and help the university in implementing business projects in the field of science and education and establishing business contacts, the message says.
As the first vice-rector Sergey Shakhray noted, quoted by the press service, "the establishment of a strategic partnership with Aeroflot is an important step in solving the tasks set for the University by the leaders of Russia and China: to become a "forge of world-class cadres" brought up in the best educational and cultural traditions of the two countries."