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Tyumen and Beijing universities will jointly develop carbon technologies

Amurskij i Hejheskij universitety budut sovmestno gotovit vostrebovannye kadry dlya ekonomiki Rossii i KitayaBeijing University of Forestry and Tyumen State University (TSU) will cooperate in the field of the carbon agenda, the Department of Strategic Communications of TSU told reporters on Thursday.

"Today we have laid the foundation for successful joint work with the Beijing University of Forestry. The Chinese University has an excellent reputation in the field of sustainable development and is known in the country for environmentally friendly projects. We will cooperate in the field of the carbon agenda, train personnel, exchange experience, compare and analyze the data obtained," the Department of Strategic Communications of TSU quotes the rector of the university Ivan Romanchuk.
According to the university, a memorandum of understanding was signed on Thursday between the Beijing University of Forestry and TSU. The Chinese university is known for its research in the field of biosafety, ecology, forestry. As the vice-president of the Chinese university, Professor Li Xiong, noted, in China, as in Russia, they are preparing to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, so the intensity of work is increasing, and partnerships with Russian universities are becoming particularly relevant.
In 2021, the first carbon landfill in Russia was opened on the basis of the TSU biostation on Lake Kuchak. Since then, the university has been working on scientific and personnel support for the activities of landfills created in Russia.
The project to create a network of carbon landfills in Russia is being implemented on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Landfills are territories where the study of climatically active gases is carried out with the participation of universities and scientific organizations. The research includes the development and adaptation of technologies for measuring aboveground and underground phytomass, agrochemical studies of soils, measurement of greenhouse gas emissions and uptake by ecosystems, and more.