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$ 89.82
€ 99.72

China has expanded the list of Russian suppliers of fish and seafood to 857

1113 39323China has allowed six more Russian enterprises to supply fish and seafood, expanding the list of suppliers to 857 companies.

This is stated in the message of the Rosselkhoznadzor.
"On July 12, the General Customs Administration of the People's Republic of China approved six more Russian enterprises and vessels for the production and storage of fish and seafood. This is the fourth expansion of the list of Russian companies engaged in the export of aquatic products to China this year," the report says.
Thus, 857 Russian enterprises and vessels for the production, transportation and storage of chilled and frozen products of aquatic fisheries and aquaculture are included in the Chinese register, the Rosselkhoznadzor clarified. The ministry assured that they will continue to expand the list of Russian enterprises that have the right to export to China.