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In Jiangxi province in China, the highest level of danger was introduced due to floods

1200x800According to local authorities, the Changjiang and Xuhe Rivers overflowed their banks for the first time in 2022.

The highest, red, danger level was declared on Monday in the eastern province of Jiangxi due to floods caused by heavy rains. This is reported by the Xinhua news Agency.
According to local authorities, the Changjiang and Xuhe Rivers overflowed their banks for the first time in 2022. In the next four days, it is predicted that the water level in China's largest freshwater lake Poyang will continue to rise above the critical mark by 0.4 m.
Earlier it was reported that the most serious situation was in 36 counties belonging to the cities of Ganzhou, Ji'an, Fuzhou and Shangzhao. Floods caused by torrential rains forced the authorities to evacuate more than 160 thousand people from disaster zones, at least one local resident died. Tens of thousands of hectares of farmland were flooded.
China has a four-level system of warning the population about natural disasters, which includes blue, yellow, orange and red colors.