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Xi Jinping spoke at the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

FAHeHAAChinese President Xi Jinping on Friday, by invitation, attended the plenary session of the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum via video link and delivered a speech.

"Xi Jinping noted that at present, unprecedented changes in the world and the epideic of the century have overlapped, economic globalization has faced a reverse course, the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda for the period up to 2030 has met with unprecedented challenges. The international community, he continued, is persistently striving for a fairer, more sustainable and safer development," Xinhua news agency quoted the Yekaterinburg Consulate General of the People's Republic of China as saying.
"We must seize the opportunities, face challenges, promote the practical implementation of the Global Development Initiative, jointly create a wonderful future of universal peace and prosperity," the Chinese president said.
The report notes that, according to the head of the People's Republic of China, it is necessary, first, to create a favorable environment for development. Xi Jinping called for practicing true multilateralism, respecting and supporting all countries in choosing development paths appropriate to their national conditions, building an open world economy, strengthening the representation and voting rights of emerging market and developing countries in global economic governance, promoting balanced, coordinated and inclusive global development.
Secondly, the agency continues, it is necessary to intensify partnerships in the field of development. "The Chinese President pointed out the need to strengthen North-South and South-South cooperation, pool resources and cooperation platforms, as well as development partnership networks, increase development assistance, form synergies for development and fill gaps in the level of development," the report said.
Thirdly, it is necessary to promote the process of economic globalization. According to Xi Jinping, it is necessary to strengthen the "soft interconnectedness" of development policy, international rules and standards, abandon the practice of severing ties, stopping supplies, unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure, eliminate trade barriers, maintain the stability of global supply chains, unite efforts to solve the food and energy crises that are getting worse every day, achieve recovery of the world economy.
Fourth, firmly adhere to development through innovation. Xi Jinping called for unlocking the potential of innovative growth, improving the rules and institutional environment for innovation, removing barriers to the movement of innovative factors, deepening innovation exchanges and cooperation, promoting deep integration of science and technology with the economy, sharing the results of innovation.

The President of the People's Republic of China stressed that the high strength, rich potential and long-term positive dynamics of the Chinese economy have not fundamentally changed. "We are full of confidence in China's economic development," he said. China will continue to stimulate high-quality development, steadily expand high-level openness and promote high-quality collective construction of the Belt and Road, the Chinese president assured. China is ready, together with all countries of the world, including Russia, to create prospects for development and use the chances for growth to make a new contribution to deepening global development cooperation and building a community of a common destiny of mankind, he added.
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (6+), organized by the Roscongress Foundation, takes place from June 15 to 18. The theme of this year's forum is "A new world - new opportunities".