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China has launched its first hybrid-fueled rocket

3b6233c7adb49d586d6a8f21840China on Tuesday successfully launched the Changzheng-6A (CZ-6A), the first national launch vehicle powered by solid-liquid fuel.

This was announced by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).
As specified on her page on the WeChat social network, the launch was carried out at 17:50 local time (12:50 Moscow time) from the Taiyuan cosmodrome in northern China. It became the 412th in a row for carriers of the Changzheng series.
The rocket launched two satellites into orbit - Pujiang-2 and Tiankun-2.
CZ-6A reaches 50 m in length and runs on environmentally friendly fuel - a mixture of kerosene and liquid oxygen. It was developed by the Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology together with CASC. Unlike the Changzheng-6 (CZ-6), this rocket has an elongated first stage, the diameter of which is the same as the second - 3.35 m. The CZ-6A is equipped with four solid-fuel boosters and is capable of launching up to 4 tons of payload into a sun-synchronous orbit.
Beijing is actively developing the national space program, developing meteorological, telecommunications and navigation satellites, as well as technologies for the exploration of the Moon. Chinese scientists are simultaneously carrying out a project to explore asteroids and Mars. The construction of the PRC space station is underway in orbit, which according to the plan should start working this year.
In 2021, China carried out 55 launches, setting a national record. According to CASC, according to this indicator, China has surpassed the United States, taking first place in the world.