, , :
$ 96.09
€ 104.4

Russians are buying Chinese smartphones

Смартфон Huawei Mate 8Chinese mobile phones have become very popular among residents of Russia.

Thus, sales of Chinese smartphones in Russia doubled in March compared to the previous two weeks.
As MTS told Kommersant, Russians most often bought Huawei smartphones - their sales increased by 300%. Oppo and Vivo phones were also popular - their sales increased by 200%.
ZTE smartphones began to be sold 100% more often, Real me by 80%.
The share of Realme in sales of all smartphones in the MTS network increased from 5.7% to 12%, Honor - from 2.5% to 5%, ZTE - from 1.2% to 3%, Oppo - from 0.4% to 1.5%, Vivo - 0.3% to 1%, and Huawei - from 0.1% to 0.5%.
In addition, push-button phones have become in high demand: over the past two weeks, their sales have increased by 12%.