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Instagram Facebook and Twitter will work at the facilities of the OI in Beijing

origInstagram Facebook and Twitter social networks will not be blocked at the Olympic venues in Beijing, said Lucia Montanarella, deputy head of the International Olympic Committee's department for Media Relations at the Olympic Games.

The Chinese segment of the Internet has a large-scale system of state censorship, often called the "great firewall". Facebook Instagram, Clubhouse, Twitch, Google, YouTube, WhatsApp, Twitter, social networks, as well as the websites of a number of the world's leading media are blocked in China today.

"There will be no restrictions on any Internet site in the network of Olympic venues. Facebook Instagram, Twitter and I have already used Instagram on the territory of the Olympic press center. It will also be possible to access the open Internet using special SIM cards," Montanarella said at a press conference.

The Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing from February 4 to 20.