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Putin and Xi Jinping will hold talks on February 4 in Beijing

1560916086 0 0 2927 1647 1440x0 80 0 0 af49837d50b84c3907fa04ad10525f2aThe meeting of the foreign Ministers of Russia and China will be held on February 3.

Preparations for the Russian-Chinese summit, which will take place on February 4 in Beijing on the opening day of the Winter Olympic Games, are in full swing. This was announced on Friday by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a press conference on the results of Russian diplomacy in 2021.

"We are preparing an official Russian-Chinese summit," he confirmed. "Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, will visit Beijing on February 4 on the opening day of the Olympic Games, and full-scale high-level talks will take place on the same day."

The head of the Foreign Ministry drew attention to the fact that, as always happens when the leaders of the Russian Federation and China contact, the negotiations "will cover the entire spectrum of relations, which are distinguished by a rich bilateral agenda and a unique architecture of bilateral ties, which Russia does not have with almost anyone else."

"I am referring to annual summits, annual meetings of heads of government and annual meetings of five commissions at the level of deputy prime ministers who prepare meetings of heads of government," Lavrov explained. - Such a mechanism has proven its high efficiency. We are preparing solutions that are thought out in detail, feasible and that really help to increase our cooperation. So, last year, a record increase in trade turnover was achieved, and very, very significant."

According to the Minister, taking into account the aggravation of the situation in the world, foreign policy issues occupy a special place on the agenda of Russian-Chinese cooperation. "The Russian Federation and China, together with other like-minded people, defend the norms of international law, equality, protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, settlement of all crises by political means, non-interference in the internal affairs of any state," the minister said.

According to him, these principles are promoted through practical consideration of specific situations in the UN Security Council and other UN bodies, and in this context, attempts to replace international law with rules "that the West invents, insisting that it is on these rules that the world order should be built." "And the Chinese and I are being declared revisionists, although everything is exactly the opposite: it is the West that is revising what is laid down in the UN Charter and other universal norms of international law," the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"Together with Chinese friends and a large group of other countries - Latin American, African, Asian - we have formed a group of friends in New York in defense of the UN Charter, which has already held two meetings," Lavrov added. - Now we are discussing the possibility of holding a meeting at the ministerial level. Against the background of attacks on the UN Charter, this format will be very, very much in demand."