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China has successfully launched a satellite to transmit data from the space station

000025 1639462661 474643 bigTianlian-2-02 will also be used to improve the operation of remote sensing satellites to study the resources of our planet

China on Tuesday successfully launched the Tianlian-2-02 relay satellite into orbit for more efficient data transmission from the Chinese orbital station.

This was announced by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

As specified on her page on the WeChat social network, the launch was carried out at 00:09 local time (19:09 Monday Moscow time) using a CZ-3B rocket from the Xichang cosmodrome in the southwestern province of Sichuan. It became the 401st in a row for carriers of the Changzheng series.

According to CASC, this device will also be used to improve the operation of remote sensing satellites to study the resources of our planet in low or medium Earth orbit. In addition, it is claimed that it will increase the reliability of China's space launches.

The Chinese station is located at an altitude of about 400 km and will serve for more than 10 years. It is designed for three people (up to six for a short time when the crew changes). The mass of the T-shaped complex, which has three docking nodes and a gateway for entering space, is 66 tons, the volume of compartments reaches 110 cubic meters. It is expected that the orbital object will work in 2022 and, as promised by the Chinese authorities, will be available for international projects.

Beijing is actively developing the national space program, developing meteorological, telecommunications and navigation satellites, as well as technologies for the exploration of the Moon. Chinese scientists are simultaneously carrying out a project to explore asteroids and Mars. The construction of the PRC space station is underway in orbit, which according to the plan should be operational in 2022.

According to the official statement of the Chinese corporation, this year China is preparing to set a new national record for the number of launches, writes TASS.