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Russian fishermen do not expect the full opening of China's ports until the end of 2022

ulov1000 d 850The All-Russian Association of Fishermen does not expect the opening of Chinese ports until the end of 2022.

This is stated in the message of the organization with reference to its head, Herman Zverev.

Restrictions on the import of fish products from Russia began to be introduced by the Chinese side in the fall of 2020 - after a live coronavirus was detected on some shipments of Russian cargo.

"On Thursday, the 8th meeting of the subcommittee on agriculture of the Russian-Chinese commission for the preparation of regular meetings of heads of government was held. The Russian side again expressed concern about the restrictions imposed on the import of Russian fish products to China. Representatives of China noted that the restrictions are not unique and apply to other countries. Conclusion: waiting for the full-scale opening of Chinese ports by the end of next year is hopeless. Putin's upcoming Okhotsk campaign will prove financially difficult," he said.

Zverev noted that Russian fishing companies are taking all measures depending on them to prevent the occurrence and spread of COVID-19 both among the crew members of fishing vessels and by transferring virus particles through fish products and packaging. Vaccination of crew members is carried out, they regularly submit PCR tests, sanitary treatment of both ship premises and packages of fish products, specialists of Rospotrebnadzor take flushes from samples of packages and container places, the head of the association said.