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IOC approves "extraordinary" anti-bullying measures for Beijing Winter Olympicseijing Winter Olympics

6154d93702e8bd061c0a888eThe International Olympic Committee on Wednesday published a preliminary set of health protocols for the upcoming Winter Games in Beijing, which states that the Olympic Games, which are due to begin on February 4, may become the largest sporting event after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic with extreme restrictions.

This is reported by The New York Times on September 30.
The Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing will be held in a "closed-loop management system— - in a bubble-like environment in which athletes, officials, journalists and service personnel will be forced to eat, sleep, work and compete, and not leave it from the day of their arrival until the moment of departure.
Anyone, including athletes, intending to enter this bubble has two options: arrive in China fully vaccinated or spend 21 days in Beijing in solitary quarantine.
And although spectators will be allowed to be present at the competition venues, entry will be restricted to those who live in mainland China.
A more detailed plan for the Games will be published at the end of October, but it is already clear that the organizers of the Olympic Games in Beijing and the Chinese government will try to provide such a level of control for about 3,000 athletes and several thousand more participants, including journalists and volunteers, which exceeds everything that was used earlier at the Olympics, the publication indicates.