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In China, families were allowed to have a third child

20151029 dap302The Chinese parliament approved an amendment allowing families to have up to three children.

The state will promote marriage and the birth of children at a young age among the population.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (Parliament) on Friday adopted amendments to the Law on Population and Birth Planning and legally allowed Chinese families to have up to three children.

The new version of the law indicates that the state will promote marriage and the birth of children at a young age among the population. In addition, the authorities of the country undertake to introduce financial, tax, insurance, educational and housing benefits for young families with children and reduce the costs of parents for the birth and upbringing of the younger generation, as well as educational services.

The state will also encourage local authorities and employers to provide additional leave to employees who raise young children.

In May of this year, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to allow families to have three children.

In July, the State Council of the People's Republic of China canceled the relevant fines, and also announced plans to consider providing preferential housing to young families and a tax deduction for the cost of maintaining children under 3 years old.