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China has successfully launched two small telecommunications satellites Beta

Eu bJZqVcAADWXwChina on Wednesday successfully launched into orbit two small telecommunications satellites Beta, designed to provide multimedia services.

This was announced by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

As specified on her page on the social network WeChat, the launch was carried out at 19:01 local time (14:01 Moscow time) using a CZ-6 rocket ("Changzheng-6") from the Taiyuan cosmodrome in the northern province of Shanxi. It became the 382nd for the carriers of the "Changzheng" series.

Beijing is actively developing the national space program, developing meteorological, telecommunications and navigation satellites, as well as technologies for the exploration of the Moon. Chinese scientists are also implementing a project to study asteroids and Mars, the study of the surface of which they have already begun.

According to the official statement of CASC, this year China will carry out at least 40 launches and set a new national record. In July, China put spacecraft into orbit six times.