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The number of coronavirus vaccinations made in China increased by 6.6% in a week

uacMV9tfw8U6uu37jh9UThe total number of coronavirus vaccinations made in China over the past seven days has increased by about 6.6%, exceeding 1.65 billion.

This was announced on Sunday by the State Committee for Hygiene and Health of the People's Republic of China.

According to the ministry, at the moment, 1,652,281,000 vaccinations against COVID-19 have been made in the country. Over the past day, the authorities have provided vaccination to 15.4 million people. Thus, over the past 24 hours, the number of doses of immunobiological drugs used in China has increased by about 1%.

According to the leading epidemiologist of the People's Republic of China Zhong Nanshan, by the end of the year, the level of vaccination in the country can reach 80% and residents will develop collective immunity. Gradually, coronavirus vaccines are becoming available for special categories of the population who previously could not be vaccinated, in particular for adolescents.

According to the results of the last population census, completed this year, the number of residents of China (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Special administrative Regions) is 1.44 billion people.

According to statistics, 112 people with COVID-19 have been identified in China over the past day, including 37 asymptomatic carriers. Over the past two weeks, the number of local cases has significantly increased in the country, and new foci of infection have formed in the provinces of Jiangsu (east) and Henan (center). Despite the fact that infected people were also found among people who were vaccinated, local doctors claim that national drugs are quite effective, which can significantly reduce epidemiological risks and mitigate the consequences of the disease caused by the coronavirus.