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12 new cases of local COVID-19 infection were detected over the past day in the continental part of China

maxresdefault copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copyOn Thursday, 12 new cases of local COVID-19 infection were recorded in mainland China, all of which were detected in Jiangsu Province in eastern China, the State Committee for Health Affairs of the People's Republic of China reported on Friday.

On the same day, 36 new cases of a new coronavirus infection were registered in mainland China: 14-in the prov. Guangdong, 13-in prov. Yunnan, 3 - in Shanghai, two-in prov. Sichuan and Shaanxi, and 1 each - in Tianjin and prov.

Hubei. Three patients with suspected coronavirus infection who arrived from abroad were also recorded in Shanghai.

There were no new deaths from COVID-19 that day in mainland China, the ministry said, Xinhua News reports