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$ 89.82
€ 99.72

The flood that recently covered Henan Province flooded the subway and destroyed the dam.

24a5ff57 afa4 4ab3 a68c a704e2904098 w1200 r1The first level of emergency was introduced in the region.

The flood led to human casualties – 12 people were killed. In addition, the disaster also affected subway visitors in the city of Zhengzhou– five people were injured there as a result of flooding. A strong stream of water poured into the subway, forcing people to swim across.

Recall that a powerful downpour hit Henan on July 16. In an hour, about 200 mm of precipitation fell on the territory of the province.

Let us noted that the disaster also flooded the housing of local residents, more than 10 thousand of them were relocated by the authorities to safe areas.

Earlier «NIA-China» informed that Heavy rain hit Beijing – the strongest since the beginning of the year.