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A new wave of COVID-19 has been recorded in China

11581Over the past day, more than 7.6 thousand new cases of infection (including asymptomatic) were detected in China - the maximum increase since the beginning of May.

This is evidenced by the data published on Tuesday by the State Committee on Hygiene and Health of the People's Republic of China.
It follows from the published statistics that 48,275 infected people (including 41,031 asymptomatic patients) are being treated in the country's medical institutions. This is almost 30 times more than a year ago.
Now there are infected people on the territory of all administrative units of mainland China at the level of the province, autonomous region and city of central subordination. More than 96% of those infected picked up the virus from local sources, and only 4% - imported cases. At the same time, as follows from official data, in November 2021, a third of the country's regions had no local cases of infection.
Recently, the most difficult situation in terms of the spread of COVID-19 has been observed in the southern province of Guangdong and in two autonomous regions - in Inner Mongolia (north) and in Xinjiang (northwest). These three regions account for approximately 50% of all persons with coronavirus disease (including asymptomatic patients) currently placed in special hospitals in China.
The Chinese government maintains strict anti-weed control measures. For example, it is mandatory to wear masks on transport and in public places in Beijing, covid tests are regularly carried out for the population, in shops and all other public institutions, the "health code" is necessarily checked at the entrance - a program on a smartphone that confirms that a person has not been officially exposed to epidemic factors over the past few days. There are about 5.7 thousand in the country . residential areas with an increased (high or medium) risk of infection, while exactly a year ago there were a little more than 70, writes TASS.